Trezor Renault

This Daredevil Concept Car From Renault Doesn’t Have Doors

The world of electric, autonomous cars is getting richer by the day. This time, the folks from Renault came up with a concept that superheroes like Daredevil would be eager to try #automagic

Called Trezor, the e-car’s design baffles by giving up on doors entirely. So, how do you get inside? Through the roof of course, like any villain or superhero. It lifts off swiftly to let you buckle up in one of the two seats available. Once inside, you’ll be flooded by red light thanks to the colored windshield.

Ready to rock and drive on the highway? Nothing simpler with the multiple touchscreen dashboard. Or you can sit back and let Trezor do the hard work in autonomous mode. Either way, the car will signal to other drivers which mode you’re driving in through exterior signals.

Trezor’s top speed is 62mph in just 4 seconds – mighty impressive, we’ll say. Pity the car model won’t be available for purchase in this form. As announced at the 2016 Paris Motor Show, Trezor will serve as a reference for the automaker’s future models. The design is superb, with the cabin pushed very far to the back and the whole bidy hanging low, close to the street.

We’ll have to wait and see if anything from the design will stick to actual cars; Renault is set to make autonomous systems available on current car models from 2020. 

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This Daredevil Concept Car From Renault Doesn’t Have Doors

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