
Hilarious Hyundai Video Makes Sense Out Of Abbreviated Car Nonsense

VSM, ESC, TPMS…these are not simple letters thrown together, but abbreviations that make sense to professionals from the automotive industry. Yet, few of us know what they mean; Hyundai decided to enlighten us with a hilarious video where painted characters on actors’ mouths pronounce and explain each of them #automagic

Hyundai Safety Team video seems like a fun way to get a grip on car safety systems, from how they are called to what they actually do on the road. Before you dismiss the ad completeley, know that it has drawn the attention of YouTubers, with more than 2.5 million views as we speak. Some hate it (“it’s annoying (not cute) and looks like a bunch of amateurs got together “), others love it (“I just watched this 10 times over and I’m still not tired of it.”) but the truth is Hyundai achieved its goal: virality and awareness.

Now tell us: what does LKAS mean?

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