Smart Life

This Amazing Tool Lets You Hear What Forests From Around the World Sound Like

timber festival sound map of forests

Barely landed in 2024 and already feeling stressed? This amazing tool is a great way to unwind and connect with nature – from all over the world!

This open source library from Timber Festival is a soundmap of forests from all over the world, a repository of calming recordings that will help you feel more grounded.

“We are collecting the sounds of woodlands and forests from all around the world, creating a growing soundmap bringing together aural tones and textures from the world’s woodlands,” wrote the project owners on their site.

They added that they’ll be presenting their collection at Timber Festival 2021. That might mean the project hasn’t been updated in a while but what is already there is amazing.

There are recordings of forests from Portugal to as far as South Korea, and from Denali in the Northern Canadian wilderness to Auckland Islands, New Zealand.


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