Nintendo Switch, the Only Console You Really Need in 2020?

This year should have been PlayStation 5′ year… and it is. But it’s not only Sony’s year. Xbox Series X will be joining the fun, too. So far, nothing weird. Except they are sharing the headlines with… Nintendo Switch of all consoles. 

Can you believe that?! People are looking for updates on a 2017 console as much as they’re searching for hot PS5 rumors. That seems crazy until you realize there is a Switch shortage going on and nobody’s happy about that. Amazon and Walmart have run out of units, and everyone’s looking to eBay for an answer. 

People are getting antsy. If they’re willing to pay twice or more, as these third-party sellers are asking, that I don’t know. But the fact remains – everyone’s looking to buy a Switch. On eBay, there are even bundles sold, consisting of a Switch, hand sanitizer and toilet paper. How much? Oh, just 700 dollars or so.  

Surviving the quarantine means panic buying, unfortunately. But in this case, we’re not sure it’s a bad investment after all. True, Nintendo Switch is a three year old console and is in no universe a match to Xbox X or PS5. However, it has a couple of things going on for it. 

First, the price. The standard Switch’ retail price is $300, while the consoles to come will sell for $500 or so. 

Then, the accessible gameplay it proposes. Not all of us staying home now want to play a triple A game like Resident Evil 3, Cyberpunk 2077 or Last of Us 2, whenever that one may come.

But Animal Crossing: New Horizons? That one’s a hit, easy!

Escaping on colorful islands, meeting up with friends online is a casual gamer’s favorite pastime. It’s fun, it’s creative and most of all, it feels like a win. And man, do we need a win in this pandemic!

And, let’s face it, Nintendo is doing a good job of supporting even difficult games. Like the Witcher 3 or Doom 2016. Last year, Nintendo sold 52.4 million units and with the new content coming its way, it’s bound to sell more. G Mode Archives are bringing old school JRPGs to the platform, Fatal Frame is rumored to make a comeback and if you haven’t heard: there might be a new Paper Mario in the works!

For Mario’s 35th anniversary, Nintendo is said to bring Paper Mario to the stage. The original RPG style Paper Mario, that is. You can’t tell me you’ll be able to stay away if this comes true!

Of course, some of the Switch shortage is caused by the coronavirus outbreak. For a while, the Foxconn factories were closed so naturally, the Nintendo switch production was put on hold. They reopened, that’s true, but it will take a while to catch up with consumer demand.  

Meanwhile, Sony and Microsoft will up the stakes.

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