Facebook AR masks

AR Selfie Masks, New Feature For Facebook Live Video

Facebook is on Snapchat’s tail with the addition of augmented reality masks for live videos #realitymagic

After acquiring MSQRD, Facebook played the AR card when it would excite people most – around holidays. Its first batch of masks for selfie videos are inspired by Halloween and feature witch hats, skeletons or pumpkins. The update to their main app is rolling out today U.S., U.K. and New Zealand, plus public figures but the rest of users will have to wait a couple of months before witnessing the changes.

To use Masks, you have to launch a broadcast from the button on your Timeline, News Feed or Page, then tap the magic wand from the screen to reveal special effects. With a simple tap, the mask chosen goes on your face and you can chat away. It’s an effective way of sparking users’ interest as well as an incentive for shy people to get out there and communicate.

Zuckerberg’s app will also bring new Reactions to the table that enhance that match the holiday theme and seasonal feelings. To make them pop up, you simply have to tap and hold the like button in this period.

We’ll have to wait and see if this gimmick can restore users’ faith in a young, creative, fun Facebook and steer them away from Snapchat.

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AR Selfie Masks, New Feature For Facebook Live Video

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