
Here Are the Biggest PS5 Games You Can Expect So Far

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Gamers have been waiting a long time for a new console from Sony and now their watch is over.

As the company drips more and more details about the PS5, we also have a few blockbuster PS5 games confirmed or teased by either Sony or game developers.

The biggest of them is undoubtedly Cyberpunk 2077, created by the developers behind the Witcher series. They stated last year that they’re building their new title with next-gen consoles in mind.

Hideo Kojima might have refused to say anything but it’s safe to expect to see Death Stranding, his much anticipated and much-delayed title as a PS5 game.

After all, Wired asked Mark Cerny from Sony about it and he gave a “pregnant pause” and a smile, which is more than enough confirmation to get any Kojima fan hyped.

Rockstar Games also didn’t announce anything official but it’s not a secret that the studio is working on Grand Theft Auto 6.

Because Red Dead Redemption 2 was already released this year, it’s safe to say GTA6 is coming next, either in 2020 or in 2021, just in time for the PS5 launch.

The Last of Us: Part 2 is another all-but-confirmed title. Since its predecessors were Playstation exclusives, you can bet Sony is keeping this title as a PS5 game that will launch alongside the console.

Bethesda definitely won’t be preparing any PS5-exclusives but we do know the studio is working on two blockbusters.

The first, Starfield, is the first new IP in the last two decades from Bethesda. That single-player RPG will depart from Bethesda’s formula and focus on outer-space adventures.

As only one trailer is available now, the company will probably launch the game in 2020 or even later, which means it will make its way on Sony’s new console.

The same goes for Bethesda’s second major title, The Elder Scrolls 6, which is slated to launch after Starfield. That’s definitely showing up on the PS5!

Back in 2017, SuckerPunch took to Paris Games Week to reveal Ghost of Tsushima and ever since then hype kept building up.

With no new announcements and an unlikely PS4 launch, seeing how that console is approaching the end of its lifecycle, it’s safe to expect Ghost of Tsushima on PS5.

These are the major PS5 games you should definitely look forward to. Of course, series like FIFA won’t be skipping this console but it’s too early to speculate whether they’ll show up in 2020 or 2021.

Also read: ✍/r/Games Shuts Down To Shed Light On Problems of Online Game Community✍

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