kuri home robot ces 2017

CES 2017: Kuri Home Robot Is More Adorable Than A Baby Penguin

Home robots couldn’t have missed from this year’s CES. As usual, we spotted the most cool/adorable one developed by a Bosch-backed startup, Mayfield Robotics. Kuri (not curry) has a great personality and a cute design that kind of reminded us of baby penguins (so, it’s clearly gonna be a success with kids) #machinemagic

Last year, Sanbot charmed our socks off at IFA and now, Kuri wants to take its place. This home robot is shorter than Sanbot, measuring 20 inches tall, which saves up space in a crowded apartment. It comes with Wi-Fi of course, Bluetooth, a 1080p cam for recording and facial recognition plus solid wheels to navigate around the place.

kuri ces 2017 home robot

It can control some of your connected devices, set reminders, play music, podcast and tell stories to the little ones. Facial recognition will not only help it interact with all the members of the family but build a profile for each of them. This will allow it to set alarms and reminders accordingly.

A built-in laser sensor keeps it from bumping into chairs and tables and map the rooms, so it can “remember” where the kitchen or bathroom is. It can look out after your kids and dog while you’re at the office; if something’s out of place, its motion and sound detectors will find it and Kuri will send you a recording of it.

kuri ces 2017 home robot kids

Mayfield Robotics wanted to eliminate the creepy factor so they installed a chest LED that changes colors and helped Kuri show its emotions through blinks, chirps and nods. We won’t know if they’ve managed that until December 2017, when the first customers will receive their robot. Even then, Kuri will only be available in US, at the price of $700.

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CES 2017: Kuri Home Robot Is More Adorable Than A Baby Penguin

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