Misfit Analog Smartwatch
Smart Life

Misfit Launches Minimalist Smartwatch With Analog Look

Not so long ago we had the opportunity to test Misfit’ latest fitness tracker at IFA, as well as Michael Kors’ fashionable smartwatches. Back then, we found the tracker incredibly slim and more discreet than most. Now, we’re certain the beautiful, minimalist design is the brand’s signature, as Misfit unveiled another equally refined gadget – a watch with analog look #objectmagic

Phase has the look of your typical, classic watch with the properties of a fitness tracker. Therefore, it’s a bit of a stretch to call it a smartwatch but one you have to make if you want to describe it to your friends. Overall, the watch feels bulkier than an analog one, due to all the extra electronics, but not in a distracting, uncomfortable way.


The truth is you’ll find Misfit fitness tracking technology under the hood with the typical features you’d expect from a wearable device: notifications for calls, texts, emails and so on.

That said, the hands of the watch do not work in the way you’d expect them to. They can act as alerts for certain contacts in your list; instead of assigning a ringtone to one of your buddies, the hand will move to a certain hour when he sends a message, for example.

It works with the company’s official app and will come in six colors on November 7. Launch price: $175.

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Misfit Launches Minimalist Smartwatch With Analog Look

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