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10 UX Design Best Practices When Creating A Website for a Startup Business

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A startup needs to have a good website but what is that, exactly? It’s when you keep user satisfaction at the forefront of everything. You can increase user satisfaction by incorporating some of the most important UX design best practices – scroll on to find out what those are and what you need to build a great website for your startup.

What is UX Design?

Before starting, let’s first discuss what UX design is. UX design is crucial for any business that wants to succeed in the digital world, with UX standing for user experience. 

It is the process of creating a website or application that looks good and provides a great user experience.

It ensures that users enjoy interacting with your product and can easily find what they want. For startup businesses, incorporating UX design into their website ensures they stand out from the competition and attract more customers.

A website designed with UX in mind can help startups create a positive first impression with potential customers and increase customer engagement. Incorporating UX design into a startup’s website can increase conversions and improve overall user experience.

The Best UX Design Practices for Startup Business

Now that you know what UX design is, let’s now give some UX design practices that your startup business can use.

  1. Design for Simplicity and Effectiveness

When designing your website, there are many directions that you can head towards. However, at the heart of it all, you want to make sure that it looks great and is user-friendly. You also need to ensure that it is effective and efficient. That’s why designing for simplicity and effectiveness should be the top priority when creating your startup business website.

By focusing on UX design, you can create an intuitive web design that allows users to quickly find what they’re looking for while ensuring that all the features are easy to use. 

This design tip will help your startup business grow faster, as customers will have a positive experience with your website. Plus, you won’t turn anyone off of your website immediately since the simpler your site is, the easier it is to scroll through.

  1. Make your Website Mobile-Friendly

According to Sytian Productions, a Philippines web designer, a mobile-friendly website is necessary for any website. Since more and more people are using their mobile devices to access websites, ensuring your website is navigable for mobile users is vital. 

A well-designed UX web design can help ensure your website looks great on all devices and provides a seamless user experience. This responsiveness will help your startup business increase visibility and attract potential customers.

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  1. Make sure the User Can Access the Page Quickly.

A good UX design is about ensuring customers can find what they need quickly and easily. This design principle means that all web pages should be designed with the user experience in mind, providing the navigation is intuitive, and the content is easily accessible.

The easier it is to access your website’s pages, the likelier it is for potential customers to stay on it. The longer they stay on your website, the more probable it is to lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, which can translate into more sales and profits for the business.

  1. Add Images to Engage and Inform Readers

Images can enhance the user experience of a website and make it more visually appealing. They can draw attention, engage visitors, and communicate messages more effectively.

They also break the monotony of your website, so it isn’t just walls of text all over the place, which can fatigue your web visitors quickly. Therefore, add images to break up the space at the right time.

Also, make sure the pictures are relevant to your presentation content. Otherwise, it will take up some bandwidth and loading speed on your website for no reason.

  1. Consistency is the Key

Consistency is critical when it comes to UX design. It allows users to quickly recognize the elements, navigation, and structure of a website or app, which leads to better usability. This cohesiveness is essential for startups that must ensure their customers have a positive product experience.

Think about it this way: when users know what they can expect from a website or app, they are more likely to use it again.

Moreover, consistent UX design makes it easier for businesses to scale and grow as they don’t have to invest time and resources into creating new techniques every time they launch a new feature or product.

Don’t forget to align your website UX design with the graphic design you will create for other platforms, like your social media and physical items.

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  1. Use White Space to Break up Text and Other Elements

The reason why you want images is that they can help break the monotony in your website. However, you can also use intelligent incorporations of white space throughout, especially with text, to add a cleaner look to the whole page.

This visual break is both clean looking and makes it easier for website visitors to focus on your content.

  1. Have a Call-to-Action

A call-to-action would be any element on a webpage or your website that compels your audience to do an action you want them to take. For example, many online stores would have “Buy Now” as a call to action.

To ensure that you are making the most out of your website design, a well-designed and well-placed call-to-action can help you reach your business goals through your website.

  1. Showcase your Goods and Services

Since you’re running a business, don’t forget to showcase your services or products. Otherwise, what’s the point of your website and whatever audiences you get from your website? 

Therefore, ensure you appropriately showcase whatever you’re selling in a prominent place.

  1. Give Users a Secure Experience

Proper UX design should also consider a secure experience for your website users. When inputting personal information and the like, a safe environment is crucial. Otherwise, your users might not be interested in continuing with the transaction on your website, leading to a loss in sales.

By keeping security in mind in your UX design, you can create a positive web experience for your web users that fills them with confidence, leading to sales.

  1. Ask for Customer Feedback

Putting customer feedback in a prominent place can show other potential customers your confidence in your product or service. Also, ensure that you present the testimonials in a clear and understandable format. Don’t forget to add the names, roles, and images as much as possible.


These best practices for UX design can help you create a website for your startup business that is worth the effort and time you put into it. Therefore, ensure that you incorporate them so that your web visitors become likelier to become customers for your business.

Article contributed by Kenneth Sytian 

About the author: Kenneth Sytian is the CEO of Sytian Productions, one of the leading web design services in the Philippines. He has been designing websites and developing web apps for more than a decade. He is considered one of the top influencers in web design and development.

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