Samsung Galaxy S8

4K Galaxy S8 With Viv AI Assistant Could Put Samsung Back On Track


It’s hard to ignore the fact that Samsung is in a bit of a tough spot right now. One way to cut their losses is to halt production of Note 7 and increase the one of flagship successes Galaxy S 7 and S 7 Edge, which they’ve done. Another way is to roll up their sleeves and pack the next Samsung Galaxy S8 with cool, desirable features. We think they’re on track with that #mobilemagic

According to latest rumors from this Chinese leaker, one of the two devices in the S8 series will sport a 4K resolution with a 5.5-inch screen. The other one will still kick ass with a 5.1-inch, curved, QHD Super AMOLED display. Better yet, Samsung is ready to take advantage after the acquisition of Viv A.I. Apparently, the S Voice integration will be replaced by this clever assistant (thank God!). 

Besides these two firm rumors, we’ve also heard that we might be in for phones featuring full-screen displays. It seems the company will take out the top and bottom bezels leaving you with more space to handle. The home button could disappear and dual camera setup could come to the 4K device. Apple has been rumored to apply some of these things to their smartphones too, but it wasn’t meant to be this year.

Let’s see who brings them first on the market!

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4K Galaxy S8 With Viv AI Assistant Could Put Samsung Back On Track

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