
A Second Skin Made From Polymers Can Hide Flaws And Shield You From UV


Scientists from MIT might have found a more durable, healthier way to give back the youthful aspect of our skin, protect us from UV rays and even deliver necessary drugs instantly. We’re talking about a polymer film that could be mistaken for a “second skin” layer #objectmagic

To achieve it, they used cross-linked polymers and applied it as a liquid, before letting it transform into an invisible, solid layer on the skin. According to their initial tests, their material can’t be distinguished from real skin in the first 16 hours after application and helps the body retain more moisture than most creams available on the market.

Women will be delighted to know that the product can hide eye bags, wrinkles and even cellulite, while people suffering from eczema or other skin diseases could use it to apply efficiently, locally, recommended drugs. “It’s an invisible layer that can provide a barrier, provide cosmetic improvement, and potentially deliver a drug locally to the area that’s being treated,” said one of the researchers behind the development, Daniel Anderson from MIT.

How does it work? In the liquid phase, two creams were applied by subjects; the first one contained the polymer that is subsequently rubbed into the skin, while the second one has a catalyst that triggers the polymer linking and thus creates that invisible layer that can be peeled off like a mask hours later.

So far, the product hasn’t been FDA approved, but the team of researchers is confident that the verdict will be in their favor soon enough: “All of the components have been used in patients before and we’ve it tested it in over 300 people but, that being said, you have to do more,” Langer told Gary Stix over at Scientific American

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