
Data Selfie Reveals How Facebook Knows Your Interests And Predicts Your Likes

data selfie facebook insight

It’s a long-known fact that Facebook shows posts with a big chance of getting your likes and shares based on your digital behavior. So, how does it keep track of your internet activity? Data Selfie can show you exactly the way #softwaremagic

Data Selfie  is a free browser extension that reveals your traces on Facebook and by doing that, it explains how machine learning algorithms use your data to gain insights about your personality. Basically, it’s a mirror of your Facebook profile. You are able to see exactly how you behave on a social network such as Facebook – what you look at, how much time you spend looking at it, on what articles you click, what you’re prone to type.

After “seeing” how you behave online, Data Selfie applies NLP (natural language processing) and machine learning algorithms to understand it. The conclusions of this analysis turn into an insight that, in another context, could be used for you or against you.

A dashboard organizes every piece of data and voila!, you can see a clear image of what you’re really into online. Plus, by using predictive analytics, it can guess what you will “like” next – from politics to products.

Such an elaborate profile of your digital behavior could have disastrous consequences if it falls into the wrong hands. Luckily, Data Selfie stores everything on your own device. To find out more about the program, go on GitHub and check out the code!

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