Drone Photography Sweden
Smart Life

Drone Photography Is Forbidden In Sweden

Drone photography is becoming a dying art in Sweden. The country has banned categorically the use of drone cameras, unless the ones behind the controllers are police officers or other people working in law enforcement #actionmagic

Journalists, wedding, wildlife or sports photographers will have to put their drone cameras away. The Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden has stated that drone cameras are considered from now on surveillance cameras since they can record footage of places and people without the presence of the user right there and even without their knowledge. Thus, they’re seen as flying spies.

From now on, photographers will either need to apply for a special permit or use their drones outside the country. The permit will not let them film freely; it will only allow them to capture pictures of things they own or are on their property.

This news hit pretty hard Swedes, considering many of them use drone cameras for work. Just in 2014, over 20.000 drone units were sold in the country.

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Drone Photography Is Forbidden In Sweden

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