
Google Announces the End of Cloud Print in 2020

Image: Ars Technica

Google Cloud Print is a feature that allows you to simply print things from the web using Google Chrome (even on printers that don’t have an internet connection).

Launched back in 2010, Cloud Print can be used from your desktop or mobile and it proved to be a very helpful service for those using older printers. Google announced the last day this feature will be available is 31st of December 2020.

In a support document, the company recommends using the native printing experience of Chrome OS and for those on a different OS to use “the respective platform’s native printing infrastructure and/or partner with a print solutions provider.”

Users have gone to Twitter to express their upset about the news.
The Google Cloud Print feature still appears as beta, even though it was released so long ago. Google hasn’t given any reason why the service will be discontinued.

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