
Google Maps for IOS Shows How Crowded A Place Really Is

google maps ios

Two year ago, Google gave us the chance to see what we are going to face when going to a restaurant or coffee shop. Is it full of people or can we get the best table there? What it didn’t account for at that moment was the increase in numbers during special events. The issue was fixed last year, but just for the web version. This week, Google finally updated the Maps app for iOS too, so it stream data in real time #mobilemagic

From this day forward, you’ll be able to see how many people are in a place, at any given time. Sorcery? No, just an iOS update of the Google Maps app.

How is it done? Well, Google uses data from people’s smartphones to figure out how many of them are in a certain location. Then, this info is pushed to the mobile app for iPhone and other users can take it as a guide – is it safe to go without a reservation or the place is full?

You’ll notice the real time data in the form of a Live button just above the bar chart.

Now, you’ll never risk a romantic dinner in a noisy place.

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