
Huawei’s HongMeng Is Likely Faster but Doesn’t Have Its Own App Store


As we’ve told you before, U.S President Donald Trump agreed to ease the restrictions that forbade US companies from doing business with Huawei.
However, things still remain unclear as the Chinese giant appears to still be blacklisted by the Department of Commerce. Hence, one of the worst aspects of this situation is the fact that Huawei is not able to use Google’s Android software.

Recently, Huawei’s CEO, Zhengfei spoke to French publication Le Point on the topic of HongMeng OS, Huawei’s in-the-works operating system destined to minimize the company’s dependence on the Google Android operating system.
According to Zhengfei, the Hong Meng OS is “likely” to be faster than Android. A report from the GlobalTimes stated that Huawei’s HongMeng OS was, indeed, 60% faster.

The company’s CEO suggested that HongMeng is able to connect across multiple devices, like phones, cars, and data centers, and mentioned that Huawei lacks an important alternative to Google’s Play Store/ Apple’s App Store, an alternative that is now in the works.

So, regardless if Huawei is lifted from the Department of Commerce’s blacklist, the company will continue to pursue its own operating system. If HongMeng will manage to compete with Android, this will mean the end of the company’s issues in terms of OS.

Today, we are still committed to Microsoft Windows and Google Android. But if we cannot use that, we will prepare a plan B to use our own OS. Huawei will wait for guidance from the Department of Commerce” a Huawei spokesperson said about Android.

News of Huawei building its own operating system broke in late May, shortly after the company was banned from using Google’s software. In June however, it began trademarking the HongMeng name and invited developers to publish their apps on its AppGallery store.

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