
If You Ever Wanted a Selfie With Pikachu, Here’s Your Chance


If you grew up with Pokemon in your life, then you definitely fantasized about having one of your own and if you did have one, you would most likely fill your social media with selfies of the two of you together.

Well, now you can.

Google released Detective Pikachu, Charizard, Jiggly puff and Mr. Mime as Playmojis for the Pixel Playground, which some of you might remember being called ‘AR stickers’ before. You can drop the characters in the scenery around you and interact with them thanks to the Pixel cameras.

Rest assured Google really put some effort in the feature: the ARCore’s motion tracking and ability to understand how the real word works will make the Pokemons appear more realistic than you’d initially expect them to.

And, because the Playground works with both rear and front-facing cameras, you can totally take a selfie with your favorite but what’s even better, he’ll even respond to the facial expressions you make while taking the photo.

So, if you’re heading off to the cinemas later this month to watch Detective Pikachu in action, you can take a selfie at the movie theater with the star himself.

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