
Liam Is Apple’s Environmental-Friendly Robot That Tears iPhones Apart

Liam was the unknown Apple bot working his metal off for better days.

Behind the curtains, he single-handedly tore iPhone 6 apart, piece by piece, organizing screws, panels and other phone parts in neat stacks. These would go to recycling, reducing e-waste. At Monday’s event though, Liam took center stage as it was presented as the environmental-aware friend that strips out smartphones efficiently so they can be refurbished.

An R&D project, Liam has 29 freestanding robotic arms that deal with several chores and objects. Some have drills, others screwdrivers and suction cups, writes Mashable. Every one of them is detected, removed and separated, so “the materials in your iPhone live on”.

Apple says the whole process takes 11 seconds per iPhone with a 97% success rate for each component. So far, Liam is the only of its kind, says Apple, but there are plans to make more, with one shipping to Europe soon.



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