
McDonald’s Themed PlayStation 5 Controller Only Meant As Concept Art

PC: McDonald's Australia/IGN

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A McDonalds-themed DualSense controller surfaced on the internet, reportedly as a promotional item for McDonald’s Australia’s 50th birthday (source: Kotaku).

However, as quickly as it appeared, Sony representatives stopped McDonalds from releasing the product. As a statement from a McDonald’s rep reads: “Sony PlayStation has not authorized the use of its controller in promotional materials related to the proposed Stream Week even and we apologise for any inconvenience caused… McDonald’s stream week has been postponed and Sony PlayStation controllers will not be included in the giveaway” (source: IGN).

While disheartening to hear, it appears that this McDonald’s DualSense collaboration was never supposed to be part of the 50th Anniversary celebration. Instead, the “design was an internal concept that never left the planning phase, let alone something McDonald’s approached PlayStation about.”

While it was just a design, it would be interesting to see if and how companies take advantage of the burgeoning gaming landscape by creating unique collaborations like this proposed McDonald’s DualSense.

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McDonald’s Themed PlayStation 5 Controller Only Meant As Concept Art

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