MIT 3D printing software Foundry

MIT Developed Software for Easy, Multi-Material 3D Printing

Using one type of material to 3D print a small statue is one thing; a completely different thing is creating elaborate objects from different type of materials, all at once. For that, beginners have to take code and special training hours and… let’s face it: who has time for that?! MIT is well aware of our limited time reserves and has developed a sort of Photoshop for 3D materials, making the whole process super easy #softwaremagic

The CSAIL researchers’ software is called “Foundry” and has a unique function: it can help you print anything you can possibly think of in high-res, from multiple source materials. You can skip all the training and learning and just jump to practice with this software.

As a novice, you’re going to have a harder time refining the desired object. That’s why Foundry comes with real-time previewing, allowing you to “type and delete”. Another practical feature is the one showing cross sections of the object you’re developing. In this way, you have eyes on the interior as well as on the exterior.

Still sounds complicated?

Think about this: the guys from MIT tested their software with non-designers and they exceeded all expectations (at least, ours). After a 60 minute tutorial, the subjects made a wheel in 48 minutes, a teddy bear in 26 min. and a bone in 56 minutes.

Users managed to create them after an hour tutorial in an average of 48, 26 and 56 minutes respectively after getting the 60-minute walk through.

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MIT Developed Software for Easy, Multi-Material 3D Printing

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