
ModiFace New Video App Uses Machine Learning To Change Hair Color In Real Time

modiface color

The effect of a drastic hair color change is hard to predict. It can do wonders for someone’s social life or it can be the biggest mistake of their lives. That’s why simulations help. Before spending money at the salon, people can simulate the wanted look with the help of different softwares. Sure, a program can’t really reproduce reality one hundred percent, or at least… not as far as you know. If you ask us, ModiFace is pretty close to achieve that. The AR startup has just released a new 3D video app that can change a person’s hair color in real time, without skipping one single strand #realitymagic

With the support of Nvidia, ModiFace developed Hair Color , an app that tracks hair in clips and does hair color simulation. For believable results, the company used neural networks trained on the biggest database of hair images in the world (220,000 pics to date).

To finalize the process, ModiFace partnered up with Nvidia, taking advantage of its GTX 1080 TI GPUs and cuDNN. Now, the app is capable of tracking hair in each video frame and change hair color as desired, in a photorealistic way.


“We have been working on deep learning architectures for a long time now, and recent advances in both the neural network architectures, basic hardware level optimizations, as well as the availability of significant training data, have made photo-realistic video hair tracking and coloration possible,” said Parham Aarabi, CEO of ModiFace and Professor at the University of Toronto.

Until now, you had dozens of apps capable of changing hair in stills (albeit, some betters than others). But this is the first time an app does impressive hair color simulations in 3D and in real time. Unfortunately, only iOS users can play with ModiFace’ new app now and only after they’ve upgraded to iOS 11. 

That said, in the next couple of months we’ll see how beauty brands will apply this technology in their marketing campaigns: “We expect the first brands to leverage this technology to launch within the next few months”, added Aarabi.

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