
More than 70% of Chinese, Saudi, and Indians Feel Positively About Artificial Intelligence. Americans? 35%

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The Stanford report on the state of AI, a 386-page document about how artificial intelligence is changing the world, reveals some interesting numbers about how different countries perceive technological advancements.

According to Stanford’s AI report, more than 70% of Chinese, Saudi, and Indian respondents felt that AI had more benefits than drawbacks. Meanwhile, just 35% of Americans felt as positively about AI.

From the report highlights:

“In a 2022 IPSOS survey, 78% of Chinese respondents (the highest proportion of surveyed countries) agreed with the statement that products and services using AI have more benefits than drawbacks. After Chinese respondents, those from Saudi Arabia (76%) and India (71%) felt the most positive about AI products. Only 35% of sampled Americans (among the lowest of surveyed countries) agreed that products and services using AI had more benefits than drawbacks.”

The respondents’ sentiments might be related to another key figure from the report. According to the AIAAIC database, which tracks incidents related to the ethical misuse of AI, the number of AI incidents and controversies has increased 26 times since 2012.

The same IPSOS research also reveals that people under 35 feel that AI products and services make their lives easier, but they are also less likely than the 35-to-49 individuals to believe that AI products have more benefits than drawbacks.

Notably, households with higher incomes are more positive about AI than households with lower incomes.

However, the full Stanford AI Index report contains many more figures that show how the US and other countries are adopting or trying to legislate AI. Interestingly, it’s Spain who proposed the most legislation about AI:

“From the 81 countries considered, 46 had at least one mention, and Spain topped the list with 273 mentions, followed byCanada (211), the United Kingdom (146), and the United States (138)”.

Other fascinating highlights?

Despite the world being taken by storm by ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies, in 2022 the global AI private decreased 26.7% since 2021. Still, the sums involved are eye-watering: $91.9 billion in 2022, a sum 18 times greater than it was a decade ago, in 2013.

If you want to read the full report, you can access it here

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