
Now, You Can Hide 3D Objects From Cameras With Invisibility “Cloaks”

Iowa University

When you were a kid, you probably dreamt of becoming invisible and use the free time to play around. As a grown-up, you’ve given up on the idea that someday you could receive such powers, although… seeing the world without beeing seen is still a temptation. What you don’t know is that researchers are still working hard on creating an invisible cloak the way Harry Potter had and are more close to getting it right than ever. Two universities have created tech that keeps 3D objects hidden from cameras and radars.

Iowa State University devised a material that can cloak anything from cameras, according to a study from Nature. Of course, it won’t deceive the naked eye, but radars and other machines won’t see a thing. A stealth fighter jet could benefit enormously from this technology that uses split ring resonators filled with galinstan and embedded into silicone sheets. By stretching the sheets, you can suppress some of the radar waves – about 75% of them.

On the other hand, scientists from the University of California at Berkeley used gold nanoantennas to reflect light and keep 3D objects hidden. Don’t expect to use it soon for personal matters, as the technology works (for now) at a microscopic scale, measuring just 80 nanometres. At this state, it can only cover a few biological cells.

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