
Check Out The PAL-V Liberty Flying Car


The sky’s the limit, we always said. Well now it looks like the limit has been reached and maybe surpassed as the PAL-V Liberty flying car has introduced a convenient automobilie-esque vehicle capable of traveling on both land and sky.

Presented at the Geneva Motor Show in Switzerland, this impressive aerocar is a gyroplane concept with an unfolding rotor on the hood to handle flying. Capable of carrying two passengers, it has a sleek Italian design and comes with a full leather interior. The PAL-V Liberty has two engines, one for driving and one for flying, and it can convert from one mode of transportation to the other in 5 to 10 minutes.

Because it’s a gyroplane, not a helicopter, it’s easier to fly and more stable. Thanks to its size, it can also land in very small areas in the event of an engine failure or other emergencies. The downside is that the PAL-V Liberty can’t take off vertically, so it needs some space to go from driving to flying – a strip of 20 m width and at least 90 m length.

In drive mode, the PAL-V Liberty can reach 160 km/h and has a <9 seconds top speed acceleration. The flight mode offers between 140 km/h in economic cruise and 190 km/h top speed, rising to a maximum altitude of 3500 m.

It’s certified by both EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) and FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), and complies with road safety regulations. However, you’ll also need a pilot license as well as a drivers’ license to operate Pal-V Liberty. Additionally, the base model costs €299.000, or around $350,000.

Pre-orders will open no sooner than 2019 as the company still needs time to complete its certifications. To reserve a spot on the PAL-V purchase list, you’ll also need to put down a non-refundable deposit of at least €10.000 ($11,500).

If this is too expensive for you, know that new flying cars are currently in development! For example, the Vahana AlphaOne is an autonomous flying taxi that just had a very successful demo and Paul DeLorean, of the Back To The Future DeLorean fame, is working on a flying car prototype

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