
Qualcomm Chip, The Real Hero Of A Movie With Psylocke

Well-established brands have to constantly find innovative ways of promoting their products, especially towards millennials for whom traditional advertising is a thing of the past. That’s why processor chip giant, Qualcomm, skipped the flamboyant commercial and dove right into a movie starring Psylocke, from X-Men: Apocalypse #hardwaremagic

Believe it or not, Qualcomm released a short called Lifeline produced, written and directed by Oscar-winning screenwriter Armando Bo, with Olivia Munn (Psylocke) and Joan Chen as main characters. The movie follows Joan Chen as he tries to track down his girlfriend, Munn, using her smartphone after she goes missing in Shanghai. Before you ask, the smartphone conveniently sports a Snapdragon 820 chip set.

The idea belongs to advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather and the video already received more than 500k views on YouTube. Indeed, its true purpose is very well hidden and Qualcomm will probably gain some extra sympathy for the effort. Are we going to see more short films instead of plain commercials in the future?

Lou Aversano, chief executive of Ogilvy & Mather NY, thinks so: “I think we continue to push, not just in terms of length, but in terms of the line between entertainment and brand message.”

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