
Replace Your Desk Monitors With Six VR Ones For Flawless Multitasking

Designers, videographers and engineers need up to 3 or 4 desktops to multitask between programs. That’s doable if you work from home, but in an office space, it can be hard to accomodate so many pieces of hardware on one standard desk, not to mention that there’s zero place for phones, tablets or coffee mugs. But in this VR age, such a thing is easily solved with a virtual workspace. SPACE is exactly about that #realitymagic

This VR solution simulates up to six screens at a time once you put your goggles on. You can manipulate them like any other object in a VR world – yes, it’s gonna remind you of Minority Report, without a doubt. Suddenly, you’ll be browsing, updating excels, watching videos in mid-air. You’ll event get to set a nice background, like a beach, as if you were actually working remotely.

“As a software engineer, I use two 24-inch monitors daily at work,” says Xiao Jia, CEO and creator of SPACE. “I have tens of files I use at a time and switch between them. With just the VR platform and compatible goggles, users can work in the VR world — no more cluttered multiple windows and multiple large monitors required.”

Now, SPACE is in beta stage but the company behind the product, Pygmal Technologies, plans to make the solution limitless, where number of screens is concerned. If you want to create a wall of windows around you, you’ll definitely be able to. The product is compatible for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift for now and it runs only Windows applications but this might change along the way, as the platform evolves.

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