
Rumored Smartcam Feature Could Change The Way You Take Pictures With iPhone 8

iphone 8 smartcam
Evan Blass/Urban Armor Gear

We’re a month away from the big Apple reveal of its 10th anniversary smartphone. iPhone 8 will most likely be announced in September, at the company’s annual conference. While they’re all hush-hush about the design and specs of the iPhone, leaks have been pouring all over the Internet recently. The last one talks about a new iPhone feature called Smartcam #mobilemagic

Last week, Apple’s own code revealed that both the rear and front cameras of the next Apple phone will be able to capture 4K video at 60fps. Now, HomePod’s code let it slip that Apple has been working on a new feature, Smartcam. iOS developer Guilherme Rambo‏ stumbled upon it and believes it will be exclusive to iOS 11 or to the phone itself.  

Based on the line of code, the developer thinks this will enable the camera to adjust to different scenes automatically, immediately after the user opens it. So, whether the iPhone owner will aim it at fireworks, snow or a sports scene, the camera will know what it’s “looking at”. As the feature seems to be new in the HomePod firmware (iOS 11.02), we believe it’s bound to appear on all devices with the same OS version.

That said, Apple might surprise us and give it a whole different spin, enough to make it stand out on iPhone 8 handsets only. Of course, the company hasn’t commented on any of the past months’ rumors so we’re left to wait and see if the next Apple smartphone will be as beautiful on the inside, as it is rumored to be on the outside.

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