
Russian Robocop Is Going To Pilot A Spacecraft Into Orbit

space robocop russia

What do you think of a space cowboy? No, not the movie. An actual space cowboy, a gunslinger piloting a spacecraft into orbit. Russia thinks that’s possible and they’re working to make it a reality by 2021 #tomorrowmagic

The tate-funded Russian Foundation for Advanced Research Projects created a humanoid robot that knows its way around guns called FEDOR (Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research.) FEDOR is quite the Russian Robocop, handling dual pistols and shooting with them bullet after bullet, performing army crawls, lifting weights or doing push-ups:

Russia’s pride will do more than training exercises in a couple of years, though. Roscosmos, the official space agency of Russia, is planning to send it into orbit by 2021. FEDOR will be the pilot of the Federatsiya spacecraft, the one which is “groomed” to carry astronauts to the moon and to Mars.

But that’s not all. Sergei Hurs, the project director, said the robot could join the ISS in 2024, at the latest. And why wouldn’t it? It’s a robot with some of the most essential skills of a human without its vulnerabilities, like the need for a space suit.  “This thing can work without a space suit, live not only in a crew vehicle but even outside it,” said Rogozin, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister

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