Fysiopal Posture Vest
Smart Life

Smart Shirt Vibrates To Straighten Your Back

After what seems like a lifetime of sitting at a desk – first at school, now at the office – it’s no wonder you’re slouching on the street. To a mindful person, your posture is not just the opposite of pretty but a life hazard. Because talk doesn’t do much to keep you away from a hunched back, designer Pauline van Dongen took matters into her own hands. She launched a shirt to give you a nudge from time to time #objectmagic

FysioPal is a sleek top that would fit into any premium gym. But more than quality attire, it’s a smart object that keeps you upright. Laminated into the fabric are the electronic sensors that monitor your position. They take into account the way your back, neck and shoulders look and send the data to the companion app.

If the analysis shows a slouchy back, the shirt acts. It sends vibrations to alert you so you can immediately change your posture, whether sitting or standing.

Fysiopal was developed with Dutch tactile display company Elitac and while it’s meant to be worn underneath your sweater, you can try it underneath an open jacket, too. Check out van Dongen’s tech projects here, like the clothes collection with solar panels to charge your phone.



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Smart Shirt Vibrates To Straighten Your Back

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