
Snapchat Will Now Let You Real-Live Location With Friends


Snapchat just came up with a new live location-sharing feature, that allows users to share their real-time location with friends while using the app.

Until now, users would do that via Snap Map, but the feature has only ever updated a user’s location when opening the app. With this version, users can share their real-time location with their selected friends for a specific amount of time even if they’re not using the feature at the time.

Users can activate the location feature for how long they want, from 15 minutes to a couple of hours with unique users, and they can choose to pause their location-sharing services without notifying others.

The new feature works like the Find My app on iOS in a way, making it possible for users to share their exact location with friends for a specific time frame or permanently.

For this update, Snapchat is teaming up with It’s On Us, a national nonprofit program focused on stopping campus sexual assault.


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Snapchat Will Now Let You Real-Live Location With Friends

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