
Snapdragon 845 Is Already On Its Way To LG G7

lg g6 facial recognition

After the hype surrounding Snapdragon 835, Qualcomm could have rested on its laurels. Correction: any other chipmaker would have done that. But knowing Qualcomm, it’s already developing their next-gen chipset. It seems that this time, LG is more than eager to help, since their next device could be the first to debut Snapdragon 845 #mobilemagic

According to The Investor, LG and Qualcomm have started work on the next Snapdragon chip earlier this month. The processor should be based on 7-nanometer technology and it could provide 30% more power than its predecessor. LG’s involvement means the manufacturer is determined NOT to let Samsung be the first to debut Galaxy S9 with the new processor. As you know, for this year’s Galaxy S8, Samsung secured most of the chips available from Qualcomm, forcing its competitors to launch handsets with Snapdragon 821.

Since power trumps innovative specs or camera features in many users’ minds, it’s crucial to have the latest processor on the market when you launch a flagship phone. LG understands that now, more than ever, so their interest in acquiring the Snapdragon 845 is more than probable.

Equipping a device with the most powerful mobile processor on the market is crucial – not only to get a head start, but also for VR/AR applications. These power-consuming mobile experiences need a processor that can deliver. If LG G7 is choosing that path, then it needs a powerhouse chip.

Speaking of LG G7, rumor is it’s going to borrow the second display from LG V20 and V10 and pair it with a bezel-less display. The company has filed a patent that describes just this marriage of features in November last year, so there’s a good chance we could see this LG design on the market in 2018:

lg v30 patent lg g7


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