
This TED Video Shows A Robot Going To Therapy

TED, the platform known for TED Talks, has sent a message unlike any other in its TED ‘A.I. Therapy” short video by Mother London.

The cute commentary examines how, 100 years into the future, the successors of digital assistants like Siri or Alexa look and behave. Couple this with a healthy dose of “privilege,” and it’s easy to see where things might go a bit wrong. The AI became more human-like, more emotional and needed therapists to help deal with their issues.

The movie was commissioned by TED as part of its 2018 theme, “The Age of Amazement,” which set the tone for the Vancouver conference.

AI’s with emotion seem like they’ll be reality soon. After all, Sophia the Robot recognized Will Smith’s attempt to kiss her and rebuffed it during a date the two had. TED’s short video truly makes us wonder how AI will develop in the future and if human-like truly means human-like.

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