
The U.S. Army Ready To Make 33 Grams Nano Drones

FLIR Systems


The U.S. Army has used drones ever since the early ’60s, and the miniaturization and rapid deployment of Unmanned-Flying-Vehicles was always a focus. With recent advancements in drone technology is no wonder how the U.S. Army is engaging in a drone project that weighs 33 grams. So interested that the Defence Department is willing to buy in bulk. 

Nano Drones and Drone Swarms are one of the most useful military tools that a soldier can deploy without risk of harm to self. FLIR Systems presented such a Nano Drone, named Black Hornet 3, to the Defence Department, and the result was an awarded military contract of $20.6 million. 

The U.S. Army is not on the first collaboration with FLIR Systems, and the 20 million dollar contract is on top of other endeavors, signaling the second contract between the parties. FLIR Systems will also provide additional miniature reconnaissance drones as part of the ongoing soldier-borne sensor program. This contract was $39.7 million and corroborated with the 33 grams, cellphone size drones, the drones can prove to be an invaluable tool during crises. 

The Black Hornet 3, although small, is extremely robust, nearly silent, and with flight times up to 25 minutes. Roger Wells, the company’s VP and General Manager for Unmanned Systems and Integrated Solutions named the drone: ‘an organic surveillance reconnaissance capability.’ … ‘It’s almost pocket portable as opposed to rucksack portable and, it doesn’t add a load burden to the soldiers and servicemen and women that are out there using it,’ he added. 

According to the statement made by FLIR Systems, the company will reportedly begin the deliveries later this year, and they anticipate a multi-year program. 

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