
Think You’re Safe? Here’s How Long It Takes A Hacker to Guess Your Password

In our original story we reported how fast a password could be cracked in 2022 and this update shows the numbers for 2023.

Thanks to security company HiveSystems, we have some numbers that show just how easily a password can be cracked, in a matter of seconds for even what you thought would be a strong password. 

As you can see, for a password with 7 characters that contains both numbers and special symbols, last year a hacker could crack it in 31 seconds. This year? Just 4 seconds.

time it takes a hacker to brute force your password in 2023 chart by hive systems

The company also provided a fascinating look at how passwords are hashed and protected, as well as some of the new technologies and tools hackers can use to crack passwords this year – ChatGPT included. If you wondered how brute force password cracking works, it’s a good read.

If you head to their site to take a look at the 2023 numbers and scroll on for the 2022 results, you’ll notice just how important strong passwords or apps like password managers really are for your security. Yes, hackers are getting exponentially more efficient, so you have to be one step ahead of them.

“[…] Random, complex 8-character passwords that once took four hours to crack now only take one. If you leverage consumer cloud computing, minutes, if you leverage enterprise cloud computing instant,” wrote HiveSystems.

Of course, if you reuse passwords (extremely bad idea!), any type of combination, even with numbers and symbols, means a hacker can crack your password instantly.

Original story from 2022:

Can a hacker guess your passwords? Yes, and more easily than you think.

HiveSystems, a cybersecurity company, just released their 2022 “Time it takes a hacker to brute force your password” report.

This nifty table shows the importance of having strong passwords which combine uppercase and lowercase letters with numbers and symbols.

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Any password that relies on letters and numbers only can be cracked instantly, while a seven letter password with numbers, upper and lowercase letters and symbols would take a hacker a mere 31 seconds.

brute force password hivesystems

Want a strong password? Follow security best practices and choose a password of at least 11 characters, with both types of letters, a number and a symbol. 

How long does it take to crack that password? 34 years so, unless you seriously pissed off someone willing to dedicate that time, your account is safe.

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You can read all about how the study was done and how hackers can crack a password on HiveSystems’ website – it’s an insightful read! 

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Think You’re Safe? Here’s How Long It Takes A Hacker to Guess Your Password

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