
The Qarnot Heater Crypto Mines And Heats Your Room

Smart buildings and distributed computing solutions developer Qarnot designed a heater that not just warms the room, but also has a computer inside! Following its mission statement, this heater, known as the QC-1 crypto heater, looks to solve both the problem of space heating and high electricity costs through cryptocurrency mining.

How it works is that the passive computer inside the QC-1 crypto heater will mine Ether, Monero, or Zcash, maximizing the returns of the high electricity consumption inherent in both heating and cryptocurrency mining. It will also default to mining the most profitable asset and Qarnot will provide updates to adapt to the markets.

For those unaware of what crypto mining entails, computers compete to solve complicated algorithms in order to earn cryptocurrency. This is a resource-intensive process that gives off a lot of heat and has received plenty of criticism. A lot of voices are saying that cryptocurrency has no inherent value and Bitcoin especially is responsible for a lot of reckless electricity over-consumption.

Qarnot took the criticized aspects of crypto mining and utilized the generated heat to heat the room. The space heater has a crypto mining computer inside called the Q.rad. The Q.rad is essentially a Linux server with two AMD GPUs, Sapphire Nitro and Radeon RX580 with 8GB of RAM, fused with an electrical heater.

In addition, owners of the QC-1 crypto heater will also earn any of the mined cryptocurrency with no extra fees. For example, in the case of Ether, all one needs to do is plug an Ethernet cable in and connect their Ethereum wallet address in the dedicated app to receive 100% of the mined cryptocurrency. All of this will occur while the heater uses the generated heat to warm up your room!

According to the company, a Q.rad can heat up a 150 to 300 sq. feet room in a building meeting modern isolation standards. 

Each Qarnot cryptomining QC-1 heater costs around $3600 and can also be bought in bitcoins. Among their clients are established companies like Société Générale and Blender, the CGI giant. For maximum safety of your crypto holdings, you could also install the Q.Rad app on something like the newly-revealed SIKURphone for cryptocurrency.


*Qarnot brought to our attention that the QC-1 mines not just Ether, but it chooses by default the most profitable asset between Ether, Monero, and Zcash. This article was updated to clarify that detail.

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