Smart Life

Top 9 Greatest Images Captured With Drones This Year


Drone photography is really taking of. After this artist captured media attention with her off-beat wedding shots, more and more drone enthusiasts are starting to use their devices for something more than racing and spying. Hence, a Dronestagram started and soon after it challenged photographs to enter the International Drone Photography contest, held this June. These are their entries #fotomagic #actionmagic

The contest focused on three photography areas: travel, nature, adventure and sports. In the panel of judges, talented photographers like National Geographic’s Patrick Witty and Emanuela Ascoli were included to make the final decision as fair as possible. The winners will not surprise you.

First place in the Adventure and Sports section was Max Seigel who captured a big crack in a desert rock while he was scouting places with his friends. From 400 feet up from the ground, he angled the drone and took the photo that astounded many, given his equipment. In the Nature section, Michael Bernholdt snatched first place after spending hours on Google Maps to find the perfect place where he would guide his Phantom 3 Professional.

Finally, the Travel photography challenge was won by Francesco Cattuto, a software engineer. He took a risk and bought his first drone after seeing a Phantom Pro at one of his friends. On one of his walks, he encountered sudden, thick fog so he decided to take a peak from above it all. In the end, he captured a beautiful, eerie photo of the Basilica of Saint Francis in Umbria, Italy.

Before you see all of these photographs in a special editorial in the National Geographic magazine, scroll through them in the gallery above.

source: Digital Trends

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