
Two Gamers Got Amazon Jobs Just to Steal and Play the New Zelda Game First

zelda tears of the kingdom

For many, Amazon jobs are a nightmare scenario in which they’re overworked, underpaid and under intense scrutiny.

For these two gamers, Amazon jobs were merely a stepping stone to something greater: playing the new Zelda game before anyone else. Illegally, of course.

A report from Japanese website Shukan Bunshun reveals a plot from two creative gamers, aged 21 and 24, who were desperately looking to get their hands on Nintendo’s latest Zelda game, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

To do so, they figured their best bet would be to actually get jobs in a place that got copies of the game before release: Amazon. Playing the long con, the gamers actually worked for Amazon for a few months, then disappeared as soon as they got their hands on the game.

From a PCWorld report:

“They successfully applied as subcontractors at an Amazon subcontractor, and started work a few months before the release of the Zelda game. Then they suddenly stopped showing up for work as the deadline approached.

When a supervisor called one of the men at home, the man’s mother came forward and told him freely that her son was at home playing video games. Subsequently confronted, the man admitted outright that he had only applied for the job to get his hands on The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ahead of time.

A conversation with the other man led to a similar conclusion. The only difference was that he also stole various merchandise items in order to sell them afterwards.”

According to the outlet, the two men were not charged but had to pay for and return the stolen goods. That seems like a decent trade while the rest of us face this other issue.

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