
$30 ZapBox Headset Makes Mixed Reality Really Affordable

Remember the affordable Google Cardboard? The price was simply great, the experience, not so much. Yet, an augmented reality firm called Zappar is ready to give the concept another go with ZapBox, a cardboard headset and pair of controllers for mixed reality. Best part? It will only cost you $30! #realitymagic

Zappar has created ZapBox, a cardboard headset that uses your smartphone and bundled pointcodes to help you experience mixed reality. The mobile app displays a feed of your smartphone camera and places over it, virtual objects. The cool thing is you can move around and see them from different angles as well as interact with them via controllers. Bundled pointcodes are responsible for accurately sensing your position in the room.

“We’ve worked tirelessly to ensure all elements of ZapBox, from app to cardboard components, are simple and affordable but most importantly deliver awe-inspiring experiences. This all started when we said to ourselves: ‘Could we make Magic Leap, Magic Cheap?’ ZapBox is our answer to that question.”

As you can imagine, at this price, the number of experiences you can try is limited. There’s a painting app, mini-golf game, xylophone interpretation, dancing game and Mars exploration. With the exception of the last one, kids will probably enjoy them the most. Buuut… ZapBox is open for developers, so there’s unlimited potential there.

Kickstarter backers will also get access to Zappar’s SDK, ZapWorks, which will allow everyone to get creative and make content for the mixed reality device. If you want to be one of them, see their Kickstarter campaign here.

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$30 ZapBox Headset Makes Mixed Reality Really Affordable

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