Smart Life

GearEye Stickers Track Down Every Piece of Photo Gear You Own

Jakob Owens/

Investing in photography gear is a lifetime hobby. You can never really stop from doing it, especially if you’re working in the field. After some years, you amass so many lenses, cameras, filters and cards that it’s impossible to keep them organized day in, day out. Worse, making sure you have them all in your bag during trips is a grueling search-and-add task. But it doesn’t have to be that way. GearEye smart stickers can tag ’em and bag’em #objectmagic

GearEye is an organizing tool made from stickers with radio-frequency ID (RFID), a remote control/phone case and a smartphone app. The RFID stickers have to be attached to every piece of photography gear you need to take, before packing your bag. Once you do that, simply create a list of objects you need for your photo session in the phone app. After packing all the things you need, take out the phone, access the app and see if the system can track them all down. If you forgot to pack one, it will locate it for you. The designers behind GearEye say their system can also indicate if you’ve packed the wrong things. 

Unfortunately, GearEye can’t tell if your missing gear is in a different location since it only works in a 10 feet radius. The remote control can be put in the bag or under your phone to scan the tags while the phone case serves the same purpose while also extending your phone’s battery life.

GearEye has landed on Kickstarter at the beginning of the month. You can grab a set of GearEye reader (dongle/case), 5 GearTags for metal items and 15 regular tags for $129 (early bird)

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