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Hollywood vs Books – BBC The Watch Show Kills Discworld For A Generation

You know what’s up already – hit like on this video if you read a book and didn’t recognize the movie or watched the series, then bought the books and went all ???

Every time Hollywood gets their hands on a beloved book series, they’re trying to “update it”, so that “younger audiences ”….”new generations” …”more people” can step in this exciting universe and find themselves represented.
You know where this is going, right?

Join me and let’s examine why this fails so often… from changing the setting, to gender-swapping, alienating fans – and more!

We’ll use the new BBC series, the Watch, that just came out, to showcase how Hollywood kills a good book in 3 or 4 short steps! Might as well just burn them at this point?

Stay tuned, I also prepared a list of key differences between the books and the series – and what to watch if you love faithful adaptations!

For those of you unfamiliar with it, Discworld is one of the longest-running fantasy series ever.
Terry Pratchett, the author, was the best-selling British author all through the 90s, with more than 80 million copies sold…dozens definitely to me!

Now there’s a TV series out there, currently running. Or maybe haunting my TiVo Stream 4k, since it’s such a bad adaptation that every time I see the thumbnail, I’m literally grieving my childhood memories.

Hot take!
I blame all this on diversity quotas, gender-swapping, thoughtless inclusion – all of them not for any higher meaning but just blatant cash grabs.

Maybe don’t grab the pitchfork yet – hear me out, I really think this needs to be talked about.
You’ll usually see here recommendations for the best movies and shows you can find on streaming apps but I thought it was important to also critically examine some of the biggest fails.

You know how it is, sometimes you just gotta rant hoping something changes!

My problem is that they took an already inclusive, thoughtful material and tried to update it to hit every check mark.
And they did it carelessly, without fully understanding the original source material and the social commentary it had…which means they erased what made it inclusive in the first place.

Watch the show for the full critique of The Watch from BBC America and see the key differences between the books and the adaptations.

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Hollywood vs Books – BBC The Watch Show Kills Discworld For A Generation

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