Smart Life

Mind-blowing! Watch As Famous Paintings Are Reconstructed With Stock Photos

Forging famous paintings takes years of practice and ends in ugly ways (please, don’t try it). Showing the world, though, that you can achieve similar, striking results with just a couple of tools is a different thing. A couple of artists gave their best to recreate famous works of art using only Adobe Photoshop and stock images #fotomagic

Ankur Patar is one of them. He reconstructed Rembrandt’s The Storm on the Sea of Galilee, using stock photos and his own skills at Photoshop. If you look closely, you’ll even see him in the final picture, instead of the initial self-portrait of the painter. Karla Cordova did the same thing with Frida Kahlo’s The Wounded Table; the modern Frida is amazingly similar to the surrealist artist:

This is next-level photoshopping guys; we’re not talking about slimming ankles and making vacation photos pop. We’ll leave you with one more demonstration of what you can do with enough patience and dedication. This is Caravaggio’s Saint Matthew and the Angel redone by Jean‐Charles Debroize:

Pretty crazy, right?

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