
Italian Museum Paintings, Rated by How Long Visitors Watch Them

At least one Italian museum has started questioning the selection of its works of art. In preparation for the new wave of visitors post-COVID restrictions, museums like the Istituzione Bologna Musei are looking into installing camera systems that can rate their exhibits starting from the amount of time spent by a visitor watching them.

The ShareArt system developed by Italy’s agency for R&D is intended to show without a trace of doubt the paintings that really catch the visitor’s attention and those which… lack that wow factor.

The system is not at all subtle but mighty efficient. It simply implies installing cameras near artworks that record visitors’ behavior and the amount of time spent in front of a painting.

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So far, researchers have gained some interesting insight from the few places where ShareArt tool has been installed. The data collected showed that visitors don’t spend more than 4-5 seconds on average before an artwork, with a lucky few exceptions capturing their attention for longer than 15 seconds.

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Even so, those findings can help museums better cater to art lovers. The exhibits can be tailored in consequence and certain setups can be modified to make a work of art truly shine.

And, there’s always the possibility of gathering even more data once masks are off; by tracking facial expressions, the team could translate cognitive reactions, too.

This is, by all means, not the first time technology was able to enhance artwork or make it modern again. AI, in particular, has been instrumental in the creative industries.

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Italian Museum Paintings, Rated by How Long Visitors Watch Them

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