The Silent Hill series of survival-horror games has always been full of unique, terrifying monsters that go bump in the dark. The...
The split between Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding producer, and Konami has been well documented particularly given the passion...
If you missed that news, CD Projekt is working on a TV show based on Cyberpunk 2077, their much-hyped game that crashed...
[adrotate group = “15”] During Scarlet Nexus’s promotional period, the marketing material depicted a futuristic Tokyo where special government agents fought off...
[adrotate group = “15”] In a report by Venture Beat, Hideo Kojima and Microsoft have struck a deal… to make another deal....
In this last decade, the video games market has seen a revival. We’ve moved from pixels to trixels and polygons in a...
What do you do if your apartment or home heating isn’t up to par? Usually, you get an electric plug-in radiator, usually...