
Airbnb To Offer Temporary Housing to Ukrainian Refugees


Since Ukraine’s war with Russia, people all over the world, as well as organizations and big companies tried to help and show solidarity for refugees in need of support.

Among the big companies that wanted to make a difference, Airbnb got involved by offering free short-term housing for up to 100,000 Ukrainians and calling people to offer their homes in Romania, Poland, Germany, and Hungary.

On Monday, the company announced the stays will be subsidized by donations to the Refugee Fund, as well as anyone who wants to help.

Of course, the stays are temporary and Airbnb “will work closely with governments to best support the specific needs in each country, including by providing longer-term stays.”

Over the past five years, Airbnb and have connected more than 54,000 refugees and asylees – including from Syria, Venezuela and Afghanistan – to temporary housing through partners. Last year, announced the creation of its Refugee Fund and has galvanized more than 4,000 donors to further support its work with refugees and asylum seekers worldwide.

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Airbnb To Offer Temporary Housing to Ukrainian Refugees

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