
Now You Can Make Alexa Send SMS Messages For You

alexa amazon

Alexa is getting savvier by the day. Amazon’s smart assistant is now capable of sending SMS messages from U.S. users to their contacts #softwaremagic

Amazon has enabled its smart assistant to do one more thing for its “owner”. Upon voice command, it will send texts through its own messaging system or as an SMS if the recipient doesn’t own an Alexa device. To make use of the new feature, you’ll have to open the Alexa app, go to Conversations, then select “Contacts” and “My Profile”. From there, you can activate the “Send SMS” function.

The app serves just this purpose – the AI will follow through only after a voice command that contains either the term “text message” or “message” if the recipient has an Alexa device, as well.

It’s not the first time Amazon offers free messaging, but in the past it was limited to Echo owners. With this feature, the only limitation is OS-related; only Android users will take advantage from the update, since Apple isn’t sharing its messaging API with third-parties.



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