
Amazon Wants Prime Two-Day Shipping To Go Down To Only One Day


If you are an Amazon Prime member one of the reasons you got the membership is definitely because it offers two-day unlimited shipping but, by the looks of it, that offer will get even better soon enough.

Amazon finance chief Brian Olsavsky announced during an earnings call that took place on Thursday that the company is planning to change the two-day shipping program to just one day.

Of course, that means that Amazon needs to invest even more into infrastructure in order for that change to go into effect but let’s face it: one thing Amazon doesn’t lack are funds.

To get the process going, the company already made $800 million in investments, with North America spearheading the effort.

Amazon started to make changes as of last month by losing the $35 minimum for one-day deliveries, expanding the one-day selection and will continue to build on the new program throughout 2019.

Amazon has also added two-hour deliveries via the Prime Now program a while ago and back in June 2018, it announced the Delivery Service Partners program which works as an entrepreneur support system for delivery businesses to ship Amazon packages.

Amazon will tell the consumers more about the one-day shipping program in the second quarter of the year, as it works on developing global expansion.

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