
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Yard Signs Part of Biden Campaign Strategy

PC: New York Times

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons continues to be an absolute sensation. It has become so popular that non-gaming entities are starting to use it as a platforms. The latest comes from the Biden Campaign as they have released campaign oriented yard signs.

As reported by The Verge, the Biden-Harris campaign is using Animal Crossing as part of their campaign strategy. They have currently released four designs players can download and put anywhere on their island. The four designs- “Team Joe,” Joe with an “E” in Pride colors, the Biden Harris banner, and Biden’s aviator glasses in red, white, and blue – relate directly to already existing campaign material.

One of the four campaign signs you can get for your island. PC: The Verge

These signs use the in-game design editor. Although players in Animal Crossing can make their own designs using the game’s design editor, they can also create designs outside of the game and transfer them into the game. The campaign is taking advantage of this by pre-making Joe Biden and Kamala Harris related materials for anyone to upload into their game.

In an statement from director of digital partnerships for the Biden Campaign Christian Tom, he says they see bringing the campaign into Animal Crossing as a way of reaching out to a more broad audience: “It is an exciting new opportunity for our campaign to engage and connect Biden-Harris supporters as they build and decorate their islands.” As the New York Times reports, the Trump campaign has been fairly dismissive of this effort to reach a broad audience using Animal Crossing.

Given Animal Crossing’s popularity, it’s not surprising to see this campaign move. After all, game’s tools make this a low effort endeavor for both the campaign and its supporters. Brands have already started to use the game as a platform for casual advertising. This isn’t even the first time a politician has used Animal Crossing as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic Representative, visited people’s islands earlier this year.

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