Smart Life

Apple Watch Saved This Man’s Life

apple watch saved life
credit: Nora Tam /

Previous reports have shown that Apple Watch can detect diabetes with amazing accuracy, but now someone actually credits the smartwatch with saving his life. 76-year old Gaston D’Aquino wrote a letter to Tim Cook to express his gratitude for Apple Watch after the smartwatch saved his life, South China Morning Post reported.

Last month, Mr. D’Aquino was in church when his Apple Watch alerted him about his elevated heart rate. Not wanting to take any risks, he went to his doctor and found out that indeed, something was amiss: two of his main coronary arteries were fully blocked while the third one was in no better shape.

Based on these results, Mr. D’Aquino went through a procedure called angioplasty. He is now feeling much better and has started encouraging people to buy an Apple Watch.

“I told the doctor I don’t know why I’m here, but my watch tells me I have an elevated heart rate. He says, ‘Are you feeling anything?’ I said no, I feel fine, I’m feeling all right, nothing’s wrong,” he recounted. D’Aquino added: “Please continue promoting the use of the Apple Watch for anyone with cardiac problems. I lost a cousin two weeks ago to a massive heart attack, and if he had an Apple Watch, he might have had the same opportunity I got – to live.”

Apple CEO Tim Cook replied to the man’s “Thank You” email, saying, “Gaston, I’m so glad you sought medical attention and you’re fine now. I appreciate you taking the time to share your story. It inspires us to keep pushing. Best, Tim.”

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