Smart Life

This Baby Bed From Ford Simulates A Late Night Drive

ford max motor dreams baby bed

Ford understands how difficult it is for parents to establish a sleep pattern for their baby. Sometimes, a night stroll through the neighborhood or even a drive is the only thing that will put the little human to sleep. So, the company devised a baby bed that simulates the feeling of cruising through town #objectmagic

Max Motor Dreams is a small cot for babies that lights up, vibrates and transmits sounds usually heard during a late night drive. The comfortable bed hides small motors under the mattress that provide gentle movement. In this way, the baby feels as if he’s sitting on the rear bench or in the arms of his mother, while she’s crossing the street unhurriedly. Restrained engine noise can also be heard from under the bed.

The experience continues with lighting. LED lights surround the bed’s elevated frame, imitating the ones from yellow-hued streetlights. The crib gives the illusion that the baby is moving with the car, when in fact it’s staying in the same place, in the safety and comfort of the house. Parents can even register the real sound their car is making with the help of a mobile app. At home, they can send the sounds to the smart bed, which can reproduce them.

“The application records all the vehicle’s movements, so that, in the crib, it can faithfully reproduce those car journeys that your baby straight to sleep”, explains the technical director from Espadaysantacruz studio, the creative agency that partnered up with Ford for this project.

Ready to sign up for one? I bet you are. The only problem is Ford doesn’t intend to make more than one Max Motor Dreams prototype. Given Ford’s business model, the crib is unlikely to go into production and/or on sale anytime soon.

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