Transparent Panasonic Television
Smart Life

The Best TV Camouflage Is Panasonic’s Completely Transparent One

Want to keep your state-of-the-art TV away from thieves or naughty kids? Hide it in plain view. Panasonic found just the perfect way to camouflage it – go with a transparent display #objectmagic

The prototype see-through television was displayed this week at the consumer electronics expo in Japan, CEATEC. When turned on, it looks like a regular, albeit sleek, TV screen. When turned off though, it can be mistaken with a glass wall, showcasing the objects behind it.

Even better, the transparent display can be moved around and sized to fit your needs. Panasonic hasn’t talked about the magic behind their tech achievement yet, but it has to start from OLED with each pixel lighting itself and allowing for transparency.

Needlesss to say, we were anxious to find out just when we could see it on the market. The answer, my friends, is biund to leave you disappointed – no earlier than 2019.

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The Best TV Camouflage Is Panasonic’s Completely Transparent One

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